Christmas Day
Maggie Fogarty, a former Lay Missioner who lived and worked in Bolivia, writes the reflection for today's readings.
Christmas Vigil
Sr. Ann Braudis, who worked as a missioner in Bolivia and the Philippines, writes: "May Jesus be born in you tonight as surely as he was born in Bethlehem all those long years ago."
Middle East Notes, December 10, 2015
This issue of the Middle East Notes focuses on Secretary of State John Kerry’s critical words at the Saban Forum in Washington, D.C., that Israel moving towards a one State reality, the impression of other Obama administration officials that the Democratic Party and Israel are pulling further apart, calls that Israel be recognized as a de facto bi-national State since it is the only sovereign between the river and the sea, negative and positive responses to the present “knife intifada.”
Middle East Notes, November 28, 2015
This week’s featured articles and links to other articles focus on the Daesh (ISIS) attacks on Paris, responses to these attacks, the present Israeli government’s opposition to any two-state solution, President Obama’s de-facto acceptance of this status quo, the reality that the Israelis and Palestinians are already living in a single state with freedom and equality only extended to Israelis, and the present need for either a real peace move by Israel or the full occupation of the West Bank.
Economy for our Common Home: An Advent Reflection Guide on Laudato Si'
The Faith Economy Ecology Working Group has developed this series of reflections, prayers and actions for Advent 2015.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
This week's reflection on the readings is written by Sr. Rose Bernadette Gallagher, who, after decades of work in Asia, now resides at the Maryknoll Sisters Center in New York.
Fourth Sunday in Advent
The reflection for this final Sunday of Advent 2015 is written by Maria Montello, a Lay Missioner in Cambodia.
Second Sunday of Advent
Maryknoll Fr. Dan McLaughlin writes about an archdiocesan initiative in Brazil to raise awareness of local issues.
First Sunday in Advent
The first Sunday of Advent 2015 falls just before the 35th anniversary of the martyrdom of the four North American churchwomen in El Salvador. This reflection is prepared by Marie Dennis, co-president of Pax Christi International and former director of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.
Middle East Notes, November 12, 2015
This week’s featured articles and links to other articles give information and background on the meeting of President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu at the White House on November 9, the violence experienced especially by Palestinians in East Jerusalem, the rage and frustration of Palestinian youth, as well as reflections on the long lasting results of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, calls for Israel boycott, and the destructive effect of the prolonged occupation on Israeli society.
November-December 2015 NewsNotes
The November-December 2015 issue of NewsNotes includes reflections on the "Road to Paris," updates on Central America, a Maryknoll sister's reflection on her visit to Zimbabwe, plus much more.
Middle East Notes, October 29, 2015
This week’s featured articles and links to other articles refer to the current spontaneous strife, particularly in Jerusalem and the Temple Mount/al-Aqsa compound, and efforts to calm this strife, as well as the oppressive policies of the present right wing government of Israel, the reality of a permanent occupation, and the de-facto existence of One State for all Israelis and Palestinians between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River.