The weeks of Advent are about waiting, preparing, and anticipating the com-ing of Christ in our lives. But how shall we wait? We invite you to join us in giving thanks, praying, and opening our hearts to the cry of the earth and the poor.
In his encyclical, Laudato Si’, Pope Francis calls people of faith and people of goodwill to dialogue about our common home. As we enter the Advent season, it is a time for preparation and hope for an earth and spirit renewed. This year, the Faith Economy Ecology Transformation Working Group’s Advent guide will explore some of the teachings of Laudato Si’ and how we can live them out in a way that brings greater joy in our everyday lives and more justice in our public policies.
Download the PDF of the Advent Reflection Guide
The Faith Economy Ecology Transformation Working Group developed a four-week Advent series to help individuals, parishes, and religious communities to pray, reflect, and take actions to build towards the kin-dom vision of right relationship, as outlined in our statement, A Call to Integrate Faith, Economy, and the Global Economy. Explore with us a paradigm shift in mindset and values, how to support and build resilient communities through our everyday activities, how to develop policies that put the needs of people and the Earth at the center, rather than corporate power.