25th Sunday of Ordinary Time
This week's reflection was prepared by Fr. Tom Tiscornia, who has served the people of Sudan/South Sudan for many years.
This week's reflection was prepared by Fr. Tom Tiscornia, who has served the people of Sudan/South Sudan for many years.
This week's scripture reflection was prepared by lay missioner Christine Perrier.
This week's scripture reflection was prepared by Chris Bodewes, who served as a lay missioner in Kenya.
Chad Ribordy and his family live in Brazil where they served as lay missioners.
This reflection, by Fr. Dan McLaughlin (Brazil), is also found in A Maryknoll Liturgical Year (Year C).
Joanne Blaney has served as a Maryknoll lay missioner in Brazil for many years.
Fr. Leo Shea has served as a missioner in several locations, most recently in Jamaica.
Fr. John Northrup wrote this reflection in 2010; it is also published in A Maryknoll Liturgical Year (Year C), available from Orbis Books.
Larry Rich, along with his family, was a lay missioner in Peru, then served for many years as Maryknoll's video producer.
Erica Olson recently returned to the U.S. after serving as a Maryknoll lay missioner in El Salvador.
Fr. Gene Toland has served the people of South America for many years; he writes this Sunday's reflection.
This week's reflection is written by Christine Perrier, a former lay missioner who continues to live and work in Peru.