Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Fr. John McAuley, MM, lives and works in Hong Kong.
Fr. John McAuley, MM, lives and works in Hong Kong.
After working as a nurse in the Philippines for many years, Sr. Mary Grenough now lives and works in Myanmar.
Chad Ribordy and his family were lay missioners in Brazil for many years.
Fr. Dennis Moorman has served as a Maryknoll missioner in Brazil for many years.
Debbie Northern served as a Maryknoll lay missioner in Tanzania and El Salvador. She's now on the lay missioners' formation team in New York.
Fr. Lo Dam is a Maryknoll priest working in Japan.
Barbara Fraser served as a lay missioner in Peru.
Mary Gill and her husband Pat Denevan were Maryknoll lay missioners in Oaxaca, Mexico, where they still live. They now participate as Maryknoll Affiliates.
Fr. Mike Snyder has spent his mission life in East Africa.
Jason and Felicia Gehrig lived with their children as lay missioners in Bolivia.
Sr. Theresa Baldini, MM, who writes this week's reflection, was a member of the Maryknoll Contemplative Community in South Sudan.
This week's reflection was written by Fr. Tom Henehan who has spent his mission life in South America.