Pray, Study, Act: World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Sept. 27 Ask Congress to Protect Human Rights During the Pandemic Catholic Nonviolence Days of Action, Sept. 21-Oct. 2 Urge Congress: Restore the U.S. Refugee Program Urge Congress: Do not support annexation of the West Bank Pray, Study, Act: 75th Anniversaries of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Nuclear Bombings Appeal to Pope Francis: Nonviolence, Laudato Si', and COVID-19 Recovery Tell Congress: Reallocate 10 Percent of Pentagon Budget Toward Human Needs Tell Congress: Provide Emergency International Aid in Upcoming COVID-19 Package #Comments4Asylum and #FreetheFamilies Peace Ribbon 2020: 75th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing Save the U.S. Asylum System Pages« first‹ previous…151617181920212223…next ›last »