Two major campaigns are going on this week to protect asylum seekers and immigrant families. Here are ways you can take action today:
1) Submit a comment to the Trump administration by July 15 at 1 pm EDT urging them to rescind new proposed rules for the asylum system that would make it nearly impossible to gain asylum status in the United States. Experts say these rules will destroy the asylum system as we know it.
Click here to submit a comment through the Catholic Legal Immigration Network's (CLINIC) click-to-comment campaign, and be sure to add a few of your own words, as only original comments will be counted.
You can read our comment here for inspiration.
2) Sign this petition to #FreetheFamilies in immigration detention. A California judge has issued an order for immigrant children to be released from family detention by July 17 -- but their parents must stay in detention. Speak out against this new form of family separation today!
If you're in DC, join us at a #FreetheFamilies rally on July 17 in front of ICE Headquarters. Read our joint statement with other Catholic organizations on the #FreetheFamilies campaign.
In solidarity,