November-December 2012 NewsNotes
This issue of NewsNotes includes an update on the Philippines, a report on Guatemala, and a reflection on the legacy of Pacem in Terris.
Middle East Notes November 1, 2012
Read previous weeks’ Middle East Notes
Please note: Opinions expressed in the following articles do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.
This week’s Middle East Notes focus on the growing reality of an apartheid Israeli State and the present Palestinian majority in the area controlled by Israel. Also included is a link to a film giving clear history of the conflict and suggestions for its resolution.
A Maryknoll Liturgical Year: Reflections on the Readings for Year C
This slim volume contains lovely, thought-provoking reflections from missioners who have spent years living with impoverished and marginalized communities around the world.
Middle East Notes October 25, 2012
Read previous weeks’ Middle East Notes
Please note: Opinions expressed in the following articles do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.
Middle East Notes October 18, 2012
This week’s Middle East Notes focuses on continuing settler violence; the filmed struggle of the West Bank Palestinian village of Bil’in; the pros and cons of the two state solution; Quaker divestment in U.S. companies that provide products to the Israeli military in its occupation of the West Bank; and the role of the international community regarding Israel’s persistent occupation of Palestinian territories.
Middle East Notes Oct. 11, 2012
Read previous weeks’ Middle East Notes
Please note: Opinions expressed in the following articles do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.
Feast of Christ the King
This final reflection for the liturgical year is written by Fr. Sacha Bermudez-Goldman, a Jesuit priest who is a former Maryknoll lay missioner.
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. John McAuley writes at this end of the liturgical year: "A person of faith today cannot read current news events without discerning that there are powerful movements of spirit and effective Spirit-filled actions afoot around the world; stirrings and actions of persons and communities that arise from aspirations for fruits that ultimately are of the Spirit: peace, justice, freedom, dignity, truth, equality, and hope."
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week's reflection is written by Barbara Fraser, a former Maryknoll lay missioner.
Public-private partnerships: Working together to reduce global hunger
This discussion paper highlights the principles outlined by faith groups and allied organizations that give public-private partnerships the best chance of success, while detailing the historical trends that led to the New Alliance announcement in May 2012.
Middle East Notes October 4, 2012
This week’s Middle East Notes give priority to the speeches of Mahmoud Abbas and Benjamin Netanyahu to the UN, the viability of the “two-state solution,” and the continuing loss of land by the Palestinians.
Middle East Notes September 27, 2012
This week’s articles focus on the two-state/one-state debate; procrastination on a peace plan; the use of the Oslo Accords to promote apartheid; responses and reactions from Palestinian, Israeli, and U.S. American Jewish sources to the Romney video comments on the Palestinians; “warehousing;” a peace-less status quo; and other issues.