Ash Wednesday
Dr. Ann Carr, Maryknoll Affiliate, writes this reflection about her time working at the Texas-Mexico border.
Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Marie Dennis, co-president of Pax Christi International, is a Maryknoll Affiliate, and served as the director of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns from 1997-2012.
Middle East Notes, February 20, 2014
This week’s Middle East Notes focuses attention on the Kerry framework for negotiations; Israeli actions in the West Bank; influence of AIPAC and the “industrial-military-congressional” complex; the growing spread of BDS; an Australian documentary on IDF treatment of Palestinian children; and other issues.
Middle East Notes February 6, 2014
This week’s Middle East Notes presents articles highlighting the Kerry framework for negotiations, the growing BDS movement in Europe and the U.S., continuing hardships for civilians in Gaza, settler violence on the West Bank, the separation barrier’s division of the Catholic town of Beit Jala, and other issues.
Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
Sr. Janice McLaughlin spent much of her mission life in Zimbabwe; in 2008 she was elected to a six-year term as president of the Maryknoll Sisters.
Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Fr. John McAuley, MM, lives and works in Hong Kong.
Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time
After working as a nurse in the Philippines for many years, Sr. Mary Grenough now lives and works in Myanmar.
Presentation of the Lord
Chad Ribordy and his family were lay missioners in Brazil for many years.
Middle East Notes January 23, 2014
This week’s Middle East Notes highlight hopes and fears concerning the success or failure of the Kerry negotiations and the possible implications of both, reflections on Ariel Sharon and his legacy, the conflicting and conflict provoking meanings of Israel as a “Jewish State,” and other issues.
Middle East Notes January 9, 2014
This week’s Middle East Notes presents articles from Ha’aretz and other sources concerning the continuing peace negotiations, settlement activity, the growing boycott movement of Israeli goods produced on the West Bank, Mahmoud Abbas’ Christmas message, and other issues of hope and conflict for the New Year.
January-February 2014 NewsNotes
The January-February 2014 issue of NewsNotes includes an extensive report on election monitoring in Honduras, articles on the Philippines, Syria, South Sudan and many other topics.
Third Sunday of Ordinary Time
Fr. Dennis Moorman has served as a Maryknoll missioner in Brazil for many years.