Christine Perrier is a former Maryknoll lay missioner who lives and works in Peru.
Good Friday
Maryknoll lay missioner Maria Montello lives and works in Cambodia.
Holy Thursday
Fr. John Sivalon lived and worked in East Africa.
Palm Sunday
Fr. Paul Masson, currently on the Maryknoll Society's General Council, served in mission in Chile and in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Former lay missioner Marj Humphrey writes about an experience when she worked in Kenya.
Middle East Notes March 20, 2014
This week’s Middle East Notes gives attention to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit to Washington, D.C., President Obama’s interview with Jeffery Goldberg, the AIPAC Conference, the debate about the effectiveness of BDS, the possible failure of the Kerry Peace Plan, the proposed visit of Pope Francis to the Holy Land, links to talks given at the National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel “Special Relationship,” recently held in Washington, D.C., and other issues.
March-April 2014 NewsNotes
The March-April 2014 NewsNotes includes updates from Central America, a report on anti-terrorism efforts in Kenya, a note about possible alternatives to GDP, and more.
Middle East Notes, March 6, 2014
This week’s Middle East highlights the Kerry Framework for negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians, U.S. academic freedom, the growth of BDS, continuing settlement development, water discrimination in the Occupied Territories, Israeli opposition to any form of Palestinian State, and other issues.
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Fr. Ray Finch has served as a missioner in the Andean regions of Latin America for many years, most recently in Bolivia.
Third Sunday of Lent
Sr. Helen Graham, MM is a theologian who lives and works in the Philippines.
Second Sunday of Lent
Marj Humphrey is a former Maryknoll lay missioner who served in Kenya for many years.
First Sunday of Lent
Maryknoll Affiliate Tom McGuire writes this week's scripture reflection.