Middle East Notes, July 3, 2014
This week’s Middle East Notes focuses primarily on the murders of the three Israeli teenagers, the two-week search for them, Israeli accusations of Hamas and Hamas’ denial of responsibility for the abduction and murder.
15th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Sr. Cathy Encarnacion has served as a missioner in Panama and in her native Philippines.
Middle East Notes, June 19, 2014
This week’s Middle East Notes focus on support of and opposition to the Palestinian unity government, necessity of prayer and good will to resolve the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, continuing settlement activity, opposition to the occupation, U.S. military aid to Israel, the hunger strike of Palestinians held without charges, Israeli election of a new president, implications of the kidnapping of three teenagers in Area C of the occupied territories, a recent poll showing diminishing support for West Bank settlements among the Israeli public, and other issues.
14th Sunday of Ordinary Time
This week's reflection is written by Angel Mortel, who served along with her family as a lay missioner in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Middle East Notes, June 5, 2014
This week’s Middle East Notes focus on Pope Francis’ visit to Jordan, Palestine and Israel, U.S. responsibility for oppression of Palestinians, “occu-partheid,” struggle for survival in East Jerusalem, continued settlement building as an obstacle to peace, the June 8, 1967 attack on the USS Liberty, the unity government of Fatah and Hamas, and other issues.
Encounters #1: Where faith, economy and ecology meet
Each issue of our newsletter "Encounters: where faith, economy and ecology meet" will feature the challenges posed by the current economic growth paradigm and shine light on the hopeful ways communities are responding to protect human dignity and God’s beautiful Creation.
Middle East Notes, special edition: Pope Francis visits the Holy Land
This is a special issue of Middle East Notes, with articles from Pope Francis's May 2014 visit to Palestine, Israel and Jordan.
Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul
Fr. Leo Shea spent many years as a missioner in Venezuela and more recently in Jamaica. He writes the reflection for this year's celebration of the founding of the Maryknoll Society, on the feast day of Sts. Peter and Paul.
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Maggie Fogarty and her family lived as Maryknoll lay missioners in Bolivia.
Feast of Corpus Christi
Sr. Mary Reese has served the people of Tanzania for more than 50 years.
Trinity Sunday
Br. Marty Shea has lived for years amongst the people of Guatemala.
Sr. Teresa Dagdag, MM recently finished her term as executive co-secretary of the Commission on Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) for the Union of Superiors General in Rome. She continues to work as a JPIC promoter in Rome.