Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sister Lelia (Lil) Mattingly, MM, sees draws hope from the work and Christian witness at the U.S./Mexico border
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Deacon Matt Dulka is reminded of the spark of spirit that comes through mission.
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Debbie Northern sees the readings as a call to action for us to change our ways as a society
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sister Arlene Trant, MM, recollects her response of "Here I am!" to Jesus' "Come and See."
Lenten Reflection Guide 2024: Caring for Creation
The 2023 Lenten Reflection Guide: Caring for Creation from the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns contains reflections, questions, prayers, fasts, and actions based on each week’s Gospel reading and the experience of Maryknoll missioners who have lived and worked with marginalized communities around the world.
January - February 2024
Vol. 49, No. 1
A bi-monthly newsletter on international justice and peace issues.
The Epiphany
Dan Moriarty tells how our encounters in mission can compel us to return home by a different way.
Feast of St. Hildegard of Bingen
In honor of the Sept. 17 feast day of St. Heldegard, Maryknoll Lay Missioner Kathy Bond reflects on her pilgrimage to the saint's abbey in Germany
Feast of the Holy Family
On Sunday, Dec. 31, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family during the eight-day celebration of Christmas. The feast day celebrates the family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph as a model of love, acceptance, and faithfulness.
Maasai International Solidarity Alliance (MISA) Newsletter – Nov Dec 2023
Updates from Maasai peoples and church actors working in solidarity to defend the rights of Indigenous Maasai communities in Tanzania.
COP28 Outcomes and Next Steps
A first-hand account of what happened at COP28 and what comes next, from three representatives of Catholic organizations who were in Dubai for the UN Climate Conference.
The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)
Sr. Claudette LaVerdiere, MM, recalls an insight her brother shared 30 years ago.