Palm Sunday (Year B)
Gerry Lee serves as director of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns. He, his wife and their children lived as a Maryknoll mission family in Venezuela for 10 years in the late 1980s-1990s.
Fifth Sunday of Lent (Year B)
Sr. Connie Krautkremer has spent much of her mission life in Tanzania. " ... God decides that our hearts will be responsible for holding the law. God decides to forgive and forget our past failures, and we can go on from there."
Middle East Notes, special edition: Netanyahu addresses Congress, March 2015
The following articles focus on the analysis of and response to Benjamin Netanyahu's address to a joint session of Congress, March 3, 2015.
Middle East Notes March 5, 2015
This issue focuses on pre-speech opposition to Netanyahu stating that he speaks for the “entire Jewish people,” initial surprise and dismay by AIPAC leadership to the news of the invitation to speak to Congress, the media drowning out of any news on the Israel/Palestine conflict, the dire situation for the nearly two million people of Gaza living in a “giant prison,” the absence of “symmetry” in the Israeli/Palestinian violence with the overwhelming power on the Israeli side and the majority of victims on the Palestinian side, the stain on the upcoming Israeli elections caused by the land grab through settlements, and other issues.
March-April 2015 NewsNotes
This issue of NewsNotes includes a report on the Biden Plan for Central America, news of a military "misencounter" in the Philippines, analysis of the effect that proposed trade agreements will have on access to medicines and financial reforms, among other items.
Immigration reform: Your Lenten promise
Justice for Immigrants’ Lenten toolkit contains weekly resources to accompany you through your Lenten journey.
Middle East Notes, February 19, 2015
This issue of Middle East highlights Israeli and U.S. opposition to the speech to Congress by Prime Minister Netanyahu, slated for March 3, the claim by Netanyahu that he speaks for Jews worldwide, (“Israelis in Exile”), the situation in Gaza, U.S. tax exempt funding of settlements, continuing opinion that the “two-state solution” is already impossible, civilian deaths in Gaza, and other issues.
Fourth Sunday of Lent (Year B)
Fr. Jack Sullivan served many years in Hong Kong. "Let us rejoice that our Brother Francis is calling us to awaken and repent; let us rejoice that the nations of the world are finally awakening to the challenge to save our earth, to save ourselves, to love each other and all creatures so loved by God."
Third Sunday of Lent (Year B); Int'l Women's Day
The following reflection was prepared by Sr. Efu Nyaki, who works with women in Brazl.
Second Sunday of Lent (Year B)
Fr. Steve Judd, who has ministered to the Andean people for many years, writes this reflection on the readings for the second Sunday of Lent.
First Sunday of Lent (Year B)
Judy Coode with the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns participated in a February 2015 delegation to Haiti; this reflection is based on that visit.
Ash Wednesday
One of the greatest contemporary battles that we face today is the struggle to protect our natural world, which many indigenous cultures affectionately refer to as “Mother Earth,” which includes the interconnected web of living creatures that sustains and nurtures the balance of all life on this planet.