Middle East Notes, April 30, 2015
This issue’s articles focus on concerns such as: the best U.S. response to the Israeli/Palestinian and other Middle East conflicts could be a lessening of involvement, Zionism’s close connection to growing anti-Semitism, increasing threats to the survival of Israel as a Jewish, democratic, and an accepted member of the community of nations due to the current policies of the Israeli government, a shift in U.S. public opinion from blind and unquestioned support of Israel, questions concerning the continuing absolution of Israel from the Deir Yassin and all other massacres, the continuing violation of Palestinian human rights through Israel’s settlement outpost system, and other issues.
Fifth Sunday of Easter (Year B)
Maria Montello is a lay missioner living and working in Cambodia.
Fourth Sunday of Easter (Year B)
Sr. Carol Marie McDonald serves as a missioner in Central America, most recently in El Salvador.
Middle East Notes, April 16, 2015
This issue’s articles highlight Israeli opposition to the nuclear arrangement being negotiated by the U.S. and European nations with Iran, the underreported continuing repression and oppression of Palestinians, possible actions to be taken by the Palestinian Authority in the International Criminal Court (ICC), the need for Israel to deal with the underlying causes of the Gaza conflicts, or face the prospect of renewed armed conflict, the responsibility to criticize elected leaders of democratic states, and links to many other issues of interest.
My World: The UN global survey for a better world
MY World is a global survey for citizens led by the United Nations and partners. It aims to capture people's voices, priorities and views, so that global leaders can be informed as they begin the process of defining the new development agenda for the world.
Third Sunday of Easter (Year B)
Kathy McNeely, who served as a lay missioner in Guatemala and was a member of the Office for Global Concerns' staff for many years, wrote the following reflection.
Second Sunday of Easter (Year B)
Sr. Ann Hayden has spent her mission life in Central America, Korea and Sudan.
Sr. Rebecca Macugay has spent much of her mission life in east Africa and South Africa
Middle East Notes, April 2, 2015
Most of this issue’s articles focus on reactions to the reelection of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; his present and future relationship with the White House; the possible end of the two-state solution; the reality that Israel seems to have already chosen a one-state solution by expanding its settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem; the weakening of unquestioned support of Israeli policies by U.S. Jews and Christian Evangelicals; acknowledgement of Israel’s nuclear weapons; and other issues.
Good Friday (Year B)
Marie Dennis is co-president of Pax Christi International, the Catholic peace movement, and formerly served as director of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.
Holy Thursday (Year B)
Fr. Tom Burns served for many years in poor areas of Lima, Peru.
Middle East Notes, March 19, 2015
This issue of Middle East Notes (MEN) highlights Hamas’ interest in a long term ceasefire with Israel, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s constant focus on Iran with little mention of the occupation, President Obama’s possible more aggressive attitude on resolution of the Palestinian issue, documents clarifying that Israel knew that Egypt, Syria and Jordan were not planning to attack when beginning the Seven Day war, the impossibility of Israel being both democratic and the nation state of the Jewish people while denying the Palestinians their right to self-determination, settler violence against the Palestinians, and other issues.