Fifth Sunday of Lent
Maryknoll Sister Susan Nchubiri is reminded of the wisdom of ancestors in the keeping of our covenant with God.
March - April 2024
Vol. 49, No. 2
A bi-monthly newsletter on international justice and peace issues.
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Maryknoll Father Joseph Thaler asks what we are called to sacrifice in the face of the changes he has witnessed in the Kathmandu Valley.
Virtual Good Friday Way of the Cross for Peace & Justice
The observance of Christ's Passion is an opportunity to reflect on the ways we have broken our covenant with God at the expense of other persons and creation. At each station we focus on a difference economic and ecological challenge or sign of hope for our times.
Third Sunday in Lent
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Peg Vamosy reflects on the upcoming Mass readings, ecological sin and her ministry in El Salvador.
Second Sunday in Lent
Fr, Joseph Healey, MM, who served for five decades in East Africa, relates how young Catholics care for creation in Kenya by planting trees.
One-pager: Call for an Immediate Ceasefire, De-escalation, and Humanitarian Assistance to Gaza
Churches for Middle East Peace share their asks of lawmakers in Congress.
First Sunday of Lent
Sr. Helen Graham, MM, considers the responsibilities we have shirked towards the earth.
Ash Wednesday
Maryknoll Affiliate Marilyn Kott considers the comunal nature of our faith and spirituality.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Frank Breen, MM sees Jesus' communion with the lepers as an example for our Church.
Israel-Palestine Conflict Resources
Prayers, webinars, and actions you can take to advocate for a lasting peace in the Holy Land.
Trip Report: The Way Forward for Middle East Peace
Hear from two U.S. Catholic representatives who recently returned from Israel-Palestine, Jordan, and Lebanon where they met with Christian leaders and others working for peace in the Israel-Gaza war.