Fifth Sunday of Lent
This week's reflection is written by Fr. Ray Finch, MM, a Maryknoll missioner who lived and worked in the Andean regions of Latin America for many years, and is currently Superior General of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers.
March-April 2016 NewsNotes
The March-April 2016 issue of NewsNotes includes an article on a new Orbis book on Laudato Si', a statement on the assassination of an Honduran indigenous environmental activist, details of a major conference on climate change projects in the Philippines, updates on Central America, Africa, and Asia, and much more.
Path from Paris
A two-page flyer about the issues raised in the Paris Climate Agreement and what you can do to support this important global call to action on the environment.
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Sr. Teresa Dagdag, a Maryknoll Sister on mission in Rome, writes this week's reflection.
Middle East Notes, February 25, 2015
This issue of the Middle East Notes focuses on the continued occupation/annexation/settlement expansion of and in land that would have been a future Palestinian state, the violent response of Palestinian youth, the apartheid “citizen rights” of Palestinians, the sabotaging of the peace process, the unnecessary U.S. multi-billion dollar support of a wealthy Israel, and the inevitability of another Gaza Hamas Israel war.
Encounter #8: Laudato Si' and FEET's second pillar
In this issue of Encounters, we look at the encyclical from the perspective of FEET’s second pillar, the need for public policies that support an economy of right relationship, to guarantee a decent future for the next generations.
Middle East Notes, February 11, 2016
The six featured articles and the many related links in this issue of the Middle East Notes focus on the increasing civilian suffering due to the Gaza blockade, Ban Ki-moon for his criticism of Israeli occupation and settlement-building, the failure yet the continuing need of the two-state solution or something like it, the hopelessness effect of military rule on Palestinian youth, and other issues.
Lenten Reflection Guide 2016
This 16-page guide offers reflections, questions, prayers, and actions based on the Gospel readings and the teachings of Pope Francis in Laudato Si'.
Middle East Notes, January 28, 2016
The six featured articles and the many related links in this issue of the Middle East Notes focus on the growing involvement of the European Union in resolving the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, the execution of teenagers with knives or scissors without trial or discussion, unchecked Israeli vigilantism on the West Bank, the silence of U.S. Jewish organizations on Israeli “il-liberalism,” the growing de-legitimization of Israel due to the occupation and apartheid policies, and Israeli government attempts to silence internal and external opposition to the occupation.
Middle East Notes, January 14, 2016
Please note: Opinions expressed in the following articles do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.
January-February 2016 NewsNotes
The January-February 2016 issue of NewsNotes includes reflections on the Paris Climate Summit, details of a major conference on land gabbing in Africa as well as a new report on land grabbing in Brazil, updates on Central America, and much more.
Middle East Notes, December 31, 2015
This issue of Middle East Notes highlights the challenge of Jewish extremists to the future of Israel, the continuing support of Israel by the U.S. despite fears of its becoming a “unitary state” impossible to function, deteriorating global support for and criticism of occupation actions, reactions to the “breaking the silence” movement, and signs of weakening support of the occupation by some U.S. evangelical Christians.