Ascension Thursday
Maryknoll Sister Charlotte Hobler, who was on mission for many years in the Philippines and Guatemala, writes this reflection on the Gospel message for the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord.
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Father John Spain has spent decades as a missioner in El Salvador.
Middle East Notes, April 21, 2016
Please note: Opinions expressed in the following articles do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Sr. Janet Hockman served as a missioner in the Marshall Islands and in Nepal.
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Former Maryknoll Brother Mark Huntington lived and worked in Kenya as a Maryknoll Lay Missioner and in Tanzania and Mozambique as a Maryknoll Brother.
Third Sunday of Easter
Carolyn Trumble lives and works as a Maryknoll Lay Missioner in Brazil.
Middle East Notes, April 7, 2016
The six featured articles and the many related links in this issue of the Middle East Notes focus on Israel’s influence on the United States, call for boycott of illegal settlements in Palestine, and much more.
Second Sunday of Easter
This week's reflection is written by Sr. Mary Ann Smith, who spent many years as a missioner in the Philippines.
Middle East Notes, March 24, 2016
Read the latest articles on the state of Palestinian children, criticism of AIPAC and the speeches of presidential candidates to AIPAC members, the need for President Obama to outline a path to peace, the need to lift the siege of Gaza, and the recent Pew Research Center poll of Israel citizens' attitudes.
Easter Sunday, Feast of the Resurrection
Maryknoll Father John Sullivan writes the reflection for Easter Sunday, the Feast of the Resurrection.
Middle East Notes, March 10, 2016
The six featured articles and the many related links in this issue of the Middle East Notes highlight increasing criticism of and disillusionment with the Israeli leadership’s repressive policies towards the Palestinians by both younger and older U.S. Jews, questions about U.S. military aid being used for settlements, greater involvement of European countries in the two-state process, Israeli response to deepening despair in Gaza with indication of approaching violence, and other important issues.
Palm Sunday
Sr. Theresa Kastner is on mission in Taiwan with the Maryknoll Sisters.