12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Father Jack Northrup is a Maryknoll missioner serving in El Salvador.
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week's reflection is written by Kathleen Bond, a Maryknoll Lay Missioner who lives with her family in São Paulo, Brazil.
Middle East Notes, June 2, 2016
Read about new concerns that Israel is moving from occupation to annexation of the West Bank and much more.
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Anne Termini served as a Maryknoll Lay Missioner in rural Guatemala.
Feast of Corpus Christi
Maryknoll Father Steve Judd spent many years as a missioner in Peru and Bolivia.
Middle East Notes, May 19, 2016
Read about the on the Israel/Palestine conflict as both peoples remember the establishment of the state of Israel on the one hand and the Nakba (catastrophe) on the other.
Holy Trinity Sunday
Ted and Maruja Gutmann-González served as Maryknoll Lay Missioners in Chile.
Pentecost Sunday
This week's reflection is written by Maryknoll Sister Euphrasia Nyaki, who lives and works in João Pessoa, Brazil.
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Joanne Miya, a Maryknoll Lay Missioner serving in Tanzania, writes this week's reflection.
Middle East Notes, May 5, 2016
The six featured articles and the many related links in this issue of the Middle East Notes focus on the suffering of the Palestinian people due to the Israeli occupation; two book recommendations; one stating that the U.S. has undermined peace in the Middle East, and the other describing the path of an Israeli Jew to belief in peace between two peoples in the same land; Israeli rejection of the French initiative to convene an international peace conference, ahead of a foreign ministers' summit France has initiated and planned for May 30 in Paris; conflicting reports about the killing of a pregnant Palestinian young woman and her brother as they walked the wrong route while heading to the Qalandia terminal, and links to other articles of interest.
May-June 2016 NewsNotes
This issue of NewsNotes includes reports on the Nonviolence and Just Peace conference in Rome, analysis of the political turmoil in Brazil, social justice and environmental actions in the Philippines and Bolivia, and much more.