Middle East Notes, February 16, 2017
Please note: Opinions expressed in the following articles do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
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Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
Michael Leen, a Maryknoll Lay Missioner tells the story of a friend in Mwanza, Tanzania who did what can seem impossible – offer love and mercy to his enemies.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Maryknoll Sister Theresa Baldini, who was on mission in South Sudan, reflects on the biblical call to forgiveness and reconciliation for justice to be restored in our relationships.
Middle East Notes, February 2, 2017
The executive orders of the initial days of the Trump administration are causing a mixture of fear, concern and uncertainty for many of the leaders and people of the US, Israel, the Moslem nations and most of the world.
Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Maryknoll Father Mike Snyder reflects on our call to be light in the world.
Presentation of the Lord
Maria Montello, a Maryknoll lay missioner serving in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, reflections on recognizing Christ in our daily lives.
Middle East Notes, January 19, 2017
"A two-state solution has become more of a dream than a possibility to the Palestinians..."
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
Maryknoll Sister Veronica Schweyen describes how God has chosen each of us and we can put our trust in God.
January-February 2017 NewsNotes
Read about our work with the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative and the Human Thread Campaign, as well as articles on Cuba, Haiti, the U.S.-Mexico border, the Philippines, and much more.
Middle East Notes, January 5, 2017
The six featured articles and the related links in this issue focus on analysis of the UN Security Council’s Resolution 2334 and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s recent speech warning Israel of the implications of a “one state” solution.
Rick Dixon, a Maryknoll Lay Missioner, reflects on the Christ child and the Magi in El Salvador.
Solemnity of Mary
Teresa Villaruz, a Maryknoll Lay Missioner in Kenya, reflects on seeing the light despite the darkness.