Returned Maryknoll Lay Missioner Anne Termini learns the significance of seeing God in everyone and in everything. This reflection was previously published in 2013.
May-June 2024
Vol. 49, No. 3
A bi-monthly newsletter on international justice and peace issues.
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Maryknoll Sister Darlene Jacobs sees lessons about unity and mission in the gospel readings.
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Maryknoll Sister Doreen Longres in Peru reflects on Jesus' call that we love one another. This reflection was previously published in 2018.
Earth Day Resources 2024
Celebrate Earth Day with events, actions, and two-pagers and briefs on the proper care for creation.
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Maryknoll Father John McAuley looks to Scripture to understand the ways God lovingly prunes us so our lives bear fruit. This reflection was previously published in 2018.
Third Sunday of Easter
Returned Maryknoll Lay Missioner Kathy McNeely describes an encounter in rural Guatemala that was a powerful reminder of Christ's love.
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Maryknoll Sister Esperanza Principio writes of our connection to Jesus, the Good Shepherd.
Second Sunday of Easter
Maryknoll Sister Ann Hayden writes of how Jesus' transforming way of compassion can help bridge the divide between us and the "other."
Haiti in Crisis: Conversation with Maryknoll Lay Missioner Sami Scott
Watch the recording of the presentation by Maryknoll lay missioner, Suzanne “Sami” Scott, on the urgent crisis in Haiti.
Easter Sunday
Maryknoll Sister Nonie Gutzler invites us to consider how Jesus' Resurrection brings us to the edge of "eternal morning."
Palm Sunday
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Stephen Veryser compares our annual commemorations of Easter to the to the smell of fresh rainfall or the jar of perfumed oil poured on Jesus' head in the Gospel readings.