Middle East Notes, August 3, 2017
Please note: Opinions expressed in the following articles do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.
Read previous weeks’ Middle East Notes
Note: The next issue of the Middle East Notes will be circulated in three weeks on August 24 after a brief summer holiday.
Middle East Notes, July 20, 2017
Please note: Opinions expressed in the following articles do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.
Encounters #13: Solidarity Economy in Brazil, Part 3
In this issue of Encounters, we examine how the most advanced alternative economic system in the world – the solidarity economy in Brazil – is responding to current political and economic challenges.
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Claire Stewart, a Maryknoll Lay Missioner in Sao Paulo, Brazil, reflects on saying "Yes" to God's call, as Mary did.
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Maryknoll Sr. Phyllis O’Toole, who lived and worked in Nicaragua, reflects on calling out to God during times of crisis.
Transfiguration of the Lord
Maryknoll Father Jim Kofski, on mission in Myanmar, reflects on our potential to grow and be transformed.
Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Coralis Salvador, a Maryknoll Lay Missioner in Kenya, reflects on the presence of the Holy Spirit during her regular visits to the homes of families affected by HIV and AIDS.
Middle East Notes, July 6, 2017
Please note: Opinions expressed in the following articles do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.
July-August 2017 NewsNotes
Latest developments in our work for peace, justice, and integrity of creation.
Middle East Notes, June 22, 2017
Please note: Opinions expressed in the following articles do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.
Read previous weeks’ Middle East Notes at http://maryknollogc.org/tag/middle-east-notes
Read the PDF version at http://maryknollogc.org/sites/default/files/article/attachment/Middle_Ea...
Encounters #12: Solidarity Economy in Brazil, Part 2
In this issue of Encounters, we examine of the organizational structure of the most advanced alternative economic system in the world – the solidarity economy in Brazil.
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Maryknoll Father Lo Xuan Dam, who lives and works in Japan, reflects on being open to “messy” situations and to God’s mercy.