Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Lo Dam, MM, reflects on the two commandments to love God and neighbor.
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dave Kane of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns reflects on today's gospel in light of his work in Brazil.
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Maryknoll Father Michael Snyder reflects on this week's readings in light of his mission experience in Tanzania.
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cortney Freshwater, a Maryknoll Lay Missioner in Bolivia, reflects on God's patience with us and our call to patiently work in God's vineyard in turn.
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ted Miles, Executive Director of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners, reflects on the challenging times our world is facing in light of this week's readings and the Church's celebration of the World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Flavio Jose Rocha, a Maryknoll Lay Missioner in Brazil, reflects on the story of the landowner and laborers in light of his mission work.
Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Maryknoll Sister Efu Nyaki reflects on her work on trauma healing in Brazil in light of this week's scriptures.
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sr. Judith Noone, MM, reflects on this week's scriptures in light of her mission work in Guatemala during the pandemic.
September-October 2020
Latest updates on social justice, peace, and care for creation from around the world.
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rich Tarro, a Maryknoll Lay Missioner working in Kenya, reflects on joy and grace in the midst of suffering.
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Maryknoll Father James Kroeger reflects on seeing the divine in the ordinary while on mission in the Phiilippines.
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Rodrigo Ulloa, MM, reflects on his mission experience teaching English in light of this week's readings.