Feast of the Holy Family
Fr. Tom Marti, MM, reflects on how the love experienced in the family forms us for the mission of spreading God's love.
Christmas Day 2020
Fr. Frank Breen, MM, reflects on the challenging conditions surrounding Jesus' birth and on the challenges facing single mothers in developing countries today.
Solemnity of Christ the King
Fr. James Eble, MM, reflects on what it means to have Christ as our King who acts as a true shepherd of the people.
Fourth Week in Advent: Openness of Heart
The following reflection is from the Advent Reflection Guide 2020: Building a Culture of Peace.
Third Week in Advent: Ecological Conversion
The following reflection is from the Advent Reflection Guide 2020: Building a Culture of Peace.
Second Week in Advent: Healing Our Soul Sickness
The following reflection is from the Advent Reflection Guide 2020: Building a Culture of Peace.
First Week in Advent: Disarmament of the Heart
The following reflection is from the Advent Reflection Guide 2020: Building a Culture of Peace.
Advent Guide 2020: Building a Culture of Peace
Join us as we pray, study, and act this Advent on building a culture of peace.
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. David Smith, MM, reflects on how we can use the resources God gave us to pursue integral ecology and work against climate change.
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Brother Loren Beaudry, MM, on mission in Tanzania, considers how this week's readings call us to live our lives wisely and in light of God's faithfulness.
November-December 2020
Latest updates on social justice, peace, and care for creation from around the world.
Solemnity of All Saints
Fr. Daniel Kim, MM, reflects on the witness of the saints for today.