Third Week of Lent: Loving God First
Join us for prayer in this Third Week of Lent.
Second Week of Lent: Embracing Transfiguration
Join us for prayer in this Second Week of Lent.
First Week of Lent: The Mission of Baptism
Join us in prayer this First Week of Lent.
Lenten Reflection Guide 2021: Brothers and Sisters All
Join us this Lent in reflecting on Pope Francis' new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti. The guide is available in English and Spanish.
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rick Dixon, a Maryknoll Lay Missioner in El Salvador, reflects on following Jesus to the margins.
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mary Morris Williams, a Maryknoll Affiliate, reflects on preaching the "good news" in challenging times.
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sr. Teresa Hougnon, MM, reflects on the healing that can come from listening to the voice of God speaking through the prophets in our midst.
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Joe Thaler, MM, reflects on his work in Nepal and how God calls us to seize opportunities to serve God and our neighbor.
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dan Moriarty works for the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns in Washington, DC, and is a returned Maryknoll Lay Missioner who lived in Bolivia for 17 years.
January-February 2021
Latest updates on social justice, peace, and care for creation from around the world.
The Baptism of the Lord
Sr. Ann Hayden, MM, reflects on how the baptism of Jesus reminds us of our own baptismal mission.
Epiphany of the Lord
Gabe Hurrish is a Maryknoll Lay Missioner in South Sudan.