Webinar: Human Rights Advocacy and the Legacy of Sr. Dianna Ortiz
Watch our recent webinar on human rights advocacy today and the witness of Sr. Dianna Ortiz, OSU.
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Fr. Lance Nadeau, MM, who is on mission on the border of Kenya and Ethiopia, reflects on Peter's encounter with the Gentile Cornelius and the importance of intercultural exchange for peacebuilding today.
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Maryknoll Father John McAuley looks to Scripture to understand the ways God lovingly prunes us so our lives bear fruit.
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Abby Belt, a Maryknoll lay missioner in Haiti, considers how we can reflect the care of the Good Shepherd to others throughout our daily lives.
Third Sunday of Easter
Fr. Ken Thesing, MM, explores what it means to be "witnesses" of Jesus' Resurrection.
Webinar: Global Vaccine Access
Watch our recent webinar on the critical need for global vaccine access.
Divine Mercy Sunday
Christine Bodewes, a returned Maryknoll lay missioner who served in Kenya, reflects on the virtue of believing without seeing.
Easter Sunday
Sr. Mary Ellen Manz, MM, reflects on the meaning of Easter in light of her mission work in South Sudan and Chile.
March-April 2021
Latest updates on social justice, peace, and care for creation from around the world.
Sixth Week of Lent: The Power of Sacrificial Love
Join us in prayer for this Sixth Week of Lent.
Fifth Week of Lent: Transformation Through Solidarity
Join us in prayer for this Fifth Week of Lent.
Fourth Week of Lent: Living the Truth
Join us in prayer for this Fourth Week of Lent.