Maryknoll OGC joined 60 other faith-based organizations in asking President Biden for a reduction of military spending in the U.S. Government for the 2024 fiscal year.
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14 February 2023
Dear President Biden,
As faith-based organizations, we watch the United States’ rapidly growing military budget with great concern. The country is sprinting towards a trillion-dollar budget for weapons and war — propping up an expensive and harmful militarized foreign policy while people struggle to meet their basic needs. We cannot continue down this morally bankrupt path. We urge you to dramatically cut militarized spending in the Fiscal Year 2024 President’s Budget Request— both to facilitate reinvestment in the wellbeing of our communities, and to curtail the harms of our militarized foreign policy.
People and organizations on both sides of the political aisle have argued that cuts to bloated and unaccountable Pentagon spending are possible and desirable — to cut waste, to fight corruption, to reinvest in human wellbeing, and to challenge our militarized foreign policy. Your own National Security Strategy recognizes the importance of investment in our communities, saying that “the most impactful public investments are the ones we make in our people,” including affordable health and child care, job training, and education. As the chorus of people and organizations questioning the United States’ absurd military budget grows, our faith groups write once again to make the moral case for cutting spending on weapons and war.
Our faiths lay out the moral imperatives of caring for the common good, building sustainable peace, and being good stewards of our resources. The current U.S. budget does not address the urgent threats facing our communities. The budget’s emphasis on military strength is in direct opposition to these moral duties. The sky-high war budget siphons resources away from investments in healthcare, housing, and education. War spending crowds out investment in peacebuilding and diplomacy, resulting in the loss of critical opportunities for nonviolent conflict prevention and resolution. And the constant waste, fraud, and abuse at the Pentagon and by corporate war contractors siphons taxpayer dollars away from our communities and into the pockets of corporations.
As you prepare to release the President’s Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2024, our faith organizations urge you to cut spending on weapons and war, and to instead focus our national spending on human wellbeing.
National & International, State & Local Faith-Based Organizations
See the full list of signatories here. Photo of Pentagon by Sgt. Ned Johnston from the U.S. Government