Seventh Sunday of Easter
Fr. Joe Heim reflects on what Jesus means by "glory" when he says "give glory to your son so that your son may glorify you.”
Fr. Joe Heim reflects on what Jesus means by "glory" when he says "give glory to your son so that your son may glorify you.”
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Louise Locke ponders on reasons for hope while working at the men's shelter in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Sr Teresa Dagdag, MM, reflects on the Christian charity from the Acts of the Apostles
Fr. John Siyumbu, MM, reflects on the stories we share of the events in our history.
Maryknoll Lay Missioner Gabe Hurrish reflects on Jesus joining the disciples on the road to Emmaus
Sr. Mary Ellen Manz reflects on what it means to "have seen the Lord."
Father John Sivalon, MM reflects on the experience of Mary of Magdala in Easter.
I gave my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who plucked my beard.
O my people, I will open your graves and have you rise from them.
Live as children of light, for light produces every kind of goodness and righteousness and truth.
The Israelites quarreled there and tested the Lord, saying, “Is the Lord in our midst or not?”
All the communities of the earth shall find blessing in you.