Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Tom Marti, who spent many years as a missioner in the Philippines, lives and works in Seattle.
Fr. Tom Marti, who spent many years as a missioner in the Philippines, lives and works in Seattle.
Sr. Connie Krautkremer, who lives and works in Dodoma, Tanzania, writes this week's reflection.
Fr. Joe Thaler, a missioner in Nepal, writes this week's reflection.
Sr. Carol Marie McDonald, who lived and worked in El Salvador, writes this week's reflection.
Fr. Charlie Dittmeier, who lives and works in Cambodia, writes the reflection on the baptism of Jesus.
Kathy McNeely, a former Lay Missioner in Guatemala and former staff member of the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, writes this Sunday's reflection.
Today's reflection is written by Sr. Janice McLaughlin, a missioner in Zimbabwe.
Br. John Beeching works with Burmese refugees in Thailand.
Maggie Fogarty, a former Lay Missioner who lived and worked in Bolivia, writes the reflection for today's readings.
Sr. Ann Braudis, who worked as a missioner in Bolivia and the Philippines, writes: "May Jesus be born in you tonight as surely as he was born in Bethlehem all those long years ago."
The reflection for this final Sunday of Advent 2015 is written by Maria Montello, a Lay Missioner in Cambodia.
This week's reflection on the readings is written by Sr. Rose Bernadette Gallagher, who, after decades of work in Asia, now resides at the Maryknoll Sisters Center in New York.