
Maryknoll Fr. Martin Lowery writes that this week's gospel message is a challenge to walk with life’s uncertainties, trusting that we will be led to the light, led to a new sense of wonder, led to a greater realization of love in our lives.

Solemnity of Mary

Maryknoll Sister Kathleen Reiley looks to Mother of God – the Mother of all of us – to help us reflect on our present reality.

Christmas Day

Every Christmas, despite whatever trial and failing has come, is an opportunity to find new hope and joy.

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Maryknoll Sister Mary Ann Smith reflects on this week's Scripture reading: No matter the turmoil in which we find ourselves stuck, our God loves us and is always with us.

Third Sunday of Advent

Maryknoll Sister Ann Braudis reflects on the Advent themes of darkness, light, waiting for Christ and welcoming the stranger.

Second Sunday of Advent

Father Frank Breen reflects on the everlasting promise of the Good News of the coming of the Kingdom of God.

First Sunday of Advent

Kevin Carroll, nonviolence and peace fellow at the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns, reflects on his students who have awakened him to hope and peace on this first Sunday of Advent.

Feast of Christ the King

Maryknoll Sister Antoinette Gutzler, president of the Maryknoll Sisters, reflects on the solidarity with all who are afflicted, as we all share in the body of Christ. 

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

 Maryknoll Lay Missioner Peg Vamosy, a horticulturist by training who works with Catholic parishioners in El Salvador to improve agricultural production, writes this week's reflection.

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Maryknoll Father Gerald Kelly, director of the Maryknoll Society mission promotion house in Houston, Texas, writes this week's reflection.

Feast of All Saints

Liz Mach, a Maryknoll Lay Missioner in Tanzania, reflects on the challenge of following Jesus' teachings in our daily lives.
