5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mary Morris Williams, a Maryknoll Affiliate, reflects on preaching the "good news" in challenging times.
Mary Morris Williams, a Maryknoll Affiliate, reflects on preaching the "good news" in challenging times.
Sr. Teresa Hougnon, MM, reflects on the healing that can come from listening to the voice of God speaking through the prophets in our midst.
Fr. Joe Thaler, MM, reflects on his work in Nepal and how God calls us to seize opportunities to serve God and our neighbor.
Dan Moriarty works for the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns in Washington, DC, and is a returned Maryknoll Lay Missioner who lived in Bolivia for 17 years.
Sr. Ann Hayden, MM, reflects on how the baptism of Jesus reminds us of our own baptismal mission.
Gabe Hurrish is a Maryknoll Lay Missioner in South Sudan.
Fr. Tom Marti, MM, reflects on how the love experienced in the family forms us for the mission of spreading God's love.
Fr. Frank Breen, MM, reflects on the challenging conditions surrounding Jesus' birth and on the challenges facing single mothers in developing countries today.
The following reflection is from the Advent Reflection Guide 2020: Building a Culture of Peace.
The following reflection is from the Advent Reflection Guide 2020: Building a Culture of Peace.
The following reflection is from the Advent Reflection Guide 2020: Building a Culture of Peace.
The following reflection is from the Advent Reflection Guide 2020: Building a Culture of Peace.