Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down
ISAIAH 64:19
The text of the prophet Isaiah that we read on this first Sunday of Advent comes from the third part of the book of the prophet. This section is written since the return from exile and the restoration of Israel.
This was a challenging period for the people since, upon their return, they were not entirely welcomed by those who stayed, and it was not easy for them to reestablish themselves.
Here, the “messianic hope” is born, with the dream of a land where everyone can live, a universal peaceful coexistence between all creatures.
In the paragraph read today, we could interpret that the people have not been faithful, which is why God punished them with Exile and the difficulties they now encounter. The prophet tries to bring comfort and hope to a God who never abandons.
To understand the urgency and importance of that consoling message, we must remember the history of this town.
The people of God have migrated to Egypt in time of famine. There, they prospered and grew, but simultaneously, they were enslaved. God sent Moses to free them, and they began migrating toward the promised land again. While in their land, after fighting to recover it, they were constantly invaded by different peoples and even experienced exile and the destruction of their temple. The Persian king allowed them to return to their land, and they set out again. When they arrived, they were discriminated against, and it became challenging to establish their roots and reconstruct the city and themselves as a people. Throughout history, and even today, the experience of conquering the land, or suffering its usurpation, continues to be a drama for this region.
Today, we see many migration processes worldwide, for various reasons. Some must leave their land for economic reasons; others must leave as refugees due to violence, wars, or persecution. Many others, increasingly, must migrate for ecological reasons – climate change – or because they live in areas damaged by extractive industries.
People who migrate today have the same experiences as the people of the Bible, whom Isaiah tries to encourage while he nourishes messianic hope.
Therefore, when we hear Jesus inviting us to be alert and attentive, we cannot help but wonder what we should pay attention to today.
Indeed, we are invited to discern the causes that instigate the experience of migration. Humanity must ask itself what changes we should make to build a peaceful coexistence with all human beings and with creation. Finally, we are invited, as missioners, to bring the same message of hope that the prophet, with his preaching, and Jesus, with his actions, brought to us.
Questions for reflection
- In what ways is God inviting you to be alert and attentive to the world around you?
- What gives you hope for peaceful coexistence with all people and creation today?
O God, open our eyes so that we may see the needs of others; Open our ears that we may hear their cries; Open our hearts that we may feel their anguish and their joy. Let us not be afraid to defend the oppressed, the poor, the powerless, because of the anger and might of the powerful. Show us where love and hope and faith are needed, and use us to bring them to those places. Open our ears and eyes, our hearts and lives, that we may in these coming days be able to do some work of justice and peace for you. Amen.
- The Sabeel Center, Jerusalem
Faith in Action
- Take action to support democracy in Guatemala, a country in crisis as corrupt officials have moved to block presidential election results and tens of thousands of migrants flee to the U.S. border each month. Ask Pres. Biden to take actions to shore up Guatemalan democracy. http://mogc.info/GuatemalaDemocracy
- Advocate for peace in Haiti, a Caribbean country where gang violence fueled by a flow of illegal guns from the United States drives thousands of Haitians to flee the country each month. http://mogc.info/HaitiPeace
- The number of refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced people around the world is at a record high. Learn what is causing people to flee their homes, from where refugees are coming, the top hosting countries, and much more at the UN High Commission for Refugees website. https://mogc.info/UNHRC
I always wanted to do this work [providing aid to refugees]. I grew up in the nice suburbs. My father had a great job. We never wanted for anything. I wanted to use what I had to help other people. Not just to give them things, but to help them help themselves.
The best people in the world I’ve ever met are religious people, people who sacrifice for others. I’ve been fortunate to cross paths with so many of them over the years, and this place is no different. They strengthen my faith. I don’t have a parish. My Eucharist is giving food to the hungry and starving. To me that’s the Eucharist.
- Father John Barth
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers

This reflection was published as part of our 2023 Advent Reflection Guide. The guide is also available in Spanish.
Photo of camels in Negev, Israel by James Ballard on Unsplash. Photo of Father John Barth, MM holding mass in Ugandan refugee camp courtesy of the author.