January-February 2017 NewsNotes
Read about our work with the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative and the Human Thread Campaign, as well as articles on Cuba, Haiti, the U.S.-Mexico border, the Philippines, and much more.
Read about our work with the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative and the Human Thread Campaign, as well as articles on Cuba, Haiti, the U.S.-Mexico border, the Philippines, and much more.
Read about new climate agreements, the UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants, environmental action by indigenous communities in Peru and the U.S., and much more.
Read reflections from the Nonviolence and Just Peace conference in Rome, from missioners in Zimbabwe, the Philippines, and Cambodia, and much more.
Read about the latest developments in peacemaking, the global migration crisis, combating trafficking, and much more.
This issue of NewsNotes includes reports on the Nonviolence and Just Peace conference in Rome, analysis of the political turmoil in Brazil, social justice and environmental actions in the Philippines and Bolivia, and much more.
The March-April 2016 issue of NewsNotes includes an article on a new Orbis book on Laudato Si', a statement on the assassination of an Honduran indigenous environmental activist, details of a major conference on climate change projects in the Philippines, updates on Central America, Africa, and Asia, and much more.
The January-February 2016 issue of NewsNotes includes reflections on the Paris Climate Summit, details of a major conference on land gabbing in Africa as well as a new report on land grabbing in Brazil, updates on Central America, and much more.
The November-December 2015 issue of NewsNotes includes reflections on the "Road to Paris," updates on Central America, a Maryknoll sister's reflection on her visit to Zimbabwe, plus much more.
This issue of NewsNotes includes analysis of the upcoming climate change talks in Paris, a report on the growing violence in El Salvador, news about the State Department's Trafficking in Persons report and much more.
This issue of NewsNotes includes a statement from the Japanese bishops on the 70th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; a commitment to action from the members of Pax Christi International; and a timeline of the Capitol Hill debate over Fast Track; plus much more.
This issue of NewsNotes includes two articles on Brazil, a report on a little-known citizen uprising in Mexico, an update on efforts to fight the TransPacific Partnership and "Fast Track" legislation, plus more.
This issue of NewsNotes includes a report on the Biden Plan for Central America, news of a military "misencounter" in the Philippines, analysis of the effect that proposed trade agreements will have on access to medicines and financial reforms, among other items.