The following article was published in the November-December 2022 issue of NewsNotes.
- Two-pager on COP27, the UN Climate Conference in Egypt Nov. 6-18, produced by the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns https://bit.ly/MOGC-COP27
- Guide to COP27, the UN Climate Conference in Egypt Nov. 6-18, produced by the Justice Coalition of Religious https://bit.ly/JCoR-COP27
- Final Report: African Climate Dialogues on COP27. African Church and civil society leaders share their realities and perspectives on key topics related to the UN climate conference COP27. https://bit.ly/ACDCOP27
- Advent Reflection Guide: Living Gospel Nonviolence. Download the 10-page guide for Advent which starts Nov. 27 https://bit.ly/MOGCScriptureGuides
- World AIDS Day Prayer Vigil: Sign up for one hour of prayer on Dec. 1 for all people impacted by HIV and AIDS. https://bit.ly/WorldAIDSDay2022
- Maryknoll AIDS Task Force Prayer: We offer this prayer to be used for World AIDS Day on Dec. 1. http://bit.ly/MaryknollAIDSprayer
- Report from the UN: “Little Progress Combating Systemic Racism Against People of African Descent.” More than two years since the murder of George Floyd by a police officer in the United States sparked the global Black Lives Matter movement, there’s been only “piecemeal progress” in addressing systemic racism, according to the UN human rights office (OHCHR). https://bit.ly/UNRacismReport
- Report: “Signs of the Times: A Theological Reflection on Loss and Damage” reflects on the issue of Loss and Damage, to be addressed at the UN Climate Conference COP27, in light of Catholic social teaching principles and Church teachings, and concludes that climate finance to help communities already affected by climate change is the preferential option for the poor. https://bit.ly/LossDamageCOP27
- Interview: The Cosmic Common Good with Daniel Scheid, PhD, Duquesne University about his book “The Cosmic Common Good: Religious Grounds for Ecological Ethics” hosting by the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology. https://bit.ly/CosmicCommonGood
- Article: “42 Months on, How Does Sudan’s Democracy Movement Endure?” by U.S. Institute of Peace https://bit.ly/SudanDemocracyUpdate
- Two-minute video featuring Sr. Abby Avelino, MM, international coordinator of Talitha Kum, talking about the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, to be celebrated on Feb. 8, 2023. https://bit.ly/MOGC-AHT
- Book: “The Voice of the Shepherd” about Cardinal Álvaro Leonel Ramazzini in Guatemala, features extracts from his radio program broadcast between 1997 and 2021. https://bit.ly/VoiceShepherd
- Film: “The Illusion of Abundance” about three women rights defenders from Brazil, Honduras and Peru. Read more about the interview to Erika González (co-director) https://buff.ly/3T1hN8V
- Documentary: “The Letter” about Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si, available to on Youtube at https://bit.ly/MOGCLetter
- Report: Emergency Human Rights Delegation to Guatemala documents the impacts of the democratic backsliding and destruction of rule of law on human rights defenders. https://bit.ly/HumanRights-Guatemala
- Maryknoll Sisters Podcast: Educating the Youth in East Timor with Sr. Rolande Kahindo. https://bit.ly/MKSrPodcast
- Maryknoll Missioners Webinars: Dr. Damian Costello, PhD teaches about indigenous spirituality in North America on Nov. 2. Recordings available of webinars featuring Fr. John Barth in Thailand, Lay Missioner Peg Vamosy in El Salvador, and more. https://www.maryknoll.us/Resources/webinars
- Report: “U.S.-China Competition and the Korean Peninsula: From Confrontation to Peacebuilding,” by Women Cross DMZ, argues that peacebuilding in Korea offers a much-needed opportunity for U.S.-China cooperation. https://bit.ly/WomenX-DMZ
- Take action for peace with North Korea. Ask Congress to support H.R.3446, which calls for diplomacy in pursuit of a peace agreement to formally end the Korean War, the establishment of liaison offices, and a review of travel restrictions. https://bit.ly/UrgeKoreaPeace
Photo: Mother and child in Haiti, Oct. 31, 2012. Photo credit: Alex Proimos from Sydney, Australia, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons