Quinta semana de Cuaresma: Transformación a través de la solidaridad
Quinta semana de la Cuaresma de 2021.
Cuarta semana de Cuaresma: Viviendo la Verdad
Cuarta semana de la Cuaresma de 2021.
Tercera semana de la Cuaresma: Amando a Dios primero
Tercera semana de la Cuaresma 2021.
Segunda semana de Cuaresma: Entregándonos a la transfiguración
Segunda semana de Cuaresma 2021.
Primera semana de Cuaresma: La misión del bautismo
Primer semena de Cuaresma 2021.
Celebrating the Renewal of the New START Treaty
The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns released the following statement on February 5, 2021, regarding the Biden administration's renewal of the New START Treaty with Russia to limit and regulate nuclear weapons.
Welcoming Refugees as our Brothers and Sisters
The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns issued the following statement on February 4, 2021, following President Joe Biden's announcement of an executive order that will raise the refugee admissions ceiling to 125,000 in the next fiscal year.
Sixth Week of Lent: The Power of Sacrificial Love
Reflect, pray, fast, and act with us for this Sixth Week of Lent (Palm Sunday).
Fifth Week of Lent: Transformation Through Solidarity
From the Lenten Reflection Guide 2021: Brothers and Sisters All.
“[Unless] a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit.”
- John 12: 24-25
Fourth Week of Lent: Living the Truth
Reflect, pray, fast, and act with us for this Fourth Week of Lent.
Third Week of Lent: Loving God First
Reflect, pray, fast, and act with us for this Third Week of Lent.
Second Week of Lent: Embracing Transfiguration
Reflect, pray, fast, and act with us during this second week of Lent.