Faith Leaders to President Biden on Inauguration Anniversary: End Inhumane Detention
As we turn to the year ahead, we urge you to reverse course and end overreliance on immigration detention by stopping new detention contracts and terminating current ICE contracts, investing in rights-respecting border management at the border, and committing to enacting just and humane immigration policies.
Interfaith Letter on Guantanamo Bay Prison - 20th Anniversary of Guantanamo Opening
As members of the American faith community, we call on you to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and to ensure that all of the people held there are either released, agree to a plea deal, or receive a fair trial in a federal court.
Resources January-February 2022
Find resources on renewed calls for a nuclear-free world, details on documentary on youth activism against climate change, info on webinars featuring Maryknoll missioners, and much more.
Joint Statement on the Violent Conflict in Ethiopia
On Nov. 17, 2021, Advocacy Network for Africa (AdNA), Sojourners, and TASSC issued the following joint statement about the violent conflict in Ethiopia that includes recommendations for short- and long-term actions for building peace.
Haitian Migrants in Mexico
The following article by Daniella Burgi-Palomino was published by the Latin America Working Group (LAWG) in November 2021. It is excerpted here with permission
Growing Campaign to Restore Asylum
Nearly one year since taking office, Pres. Biden continues to violate U.S. asylum law and treaty obligations by turning away asylum seekers.
Iran Nuclear Talks Resume
In late November 2021, members of the Iran nuclear deal met in Vienna in an attempt to salvage the agreement.
Nuclear Powers Issue New Statement
Although a UN gathering to review a cornerstone nuclear treaty has again been postponed, five nuclear weapons states issued a statement expressing commitment toward preventing nuclear war.
UN: Invest in Food Systems Resilience
A UN report released after the first-ever Food Systems Summit in September 2021 focuses on enhancing the resilience and sustainability of global food systems.
Climate Change: Fierce Urgency of Now
The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns issued the following statement as a reaction to the UN climate talks in Glasgow, Scotland in November 2021.
El Salvador: El Mozote Massacre 40 Years On
The Washington Office on Latin American released the following statement, excerpted here, on Dec. 9, 2021, entitled “On 40th Anniversary, Search for Justice in El Mozote Massacre Must Continue.”
Ethiopia: Promoting Peace and Human Rights
On Nov. 17, 2021, Advocacy Network for Africa (AdNA), Sojourners, and TASSC issued a joint statement about the violent conflict in Ethiopia that includes recommendations for short- and long-term actions for building peace