UN Climate Report: Latest Alarm Bell
MOGC issued the following statement on Feb. 28, 2022, in response to the latest UN climate report.
Archbishop Issues Letter on Disarmament
Archbishop John Wester of Santa Fe issued a pastoral letter calling his diocese and the larger Church to embrace nuclear disarmament.
Ukraine: Diplomacy is the Pathway to Peace
The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns issued the following statement on Feb. 23, 2022, calling for a nonviolent resolution to the conflict in Ukraine.
UN Climate Report: Latest Alarm Bell on the Climate Crisis
With a report like this, world leaders cannot say they didn’t know a deadly future is at hand. The report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change exposes what the world can no longer deny – the incalculable loss of life, culture, livelihoods, and biodiversity from the climate crisis. These losses and damages will only increase with each increment in temperature rise unless we act together in solidarity to protect our Common Home.
No to War in Ukraine: Pursue Integral Peace and Human Security
The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns issued the following statement on February 23, 2022, regarding the situation in Ukraine and the need for nonviolent solutions which address the root causes of the violent conflict.
Letter from Civil Society Organizations to Pres. Biden: Support Funding for Palestine Refugees
We wish to thank you for the Biden administration’s restoration of humanitarian assistance to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), including your December 2021 decision to provide an additional $99 million to the Agency.
Faith Groups Call for an End to Violence in Myanmar
After careful research and consultation with partners in Myanmar, faith-based and other human rights organizations, we are confident the sanctions established in the BURMA Act would not have a significant negative impact on the civilian population, and that they are necessary to effectively pressure the junta to cease its violent repression of democracy activists and ethnic and religious minorities.
Interfaith Letter to Congress: Stop the Violence in Myanmar
The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns joined 17 other faith-based organizations in sending the following letter to the members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives calling on them to support the BURMA Act of 2021, a bill that responds to the ongoing, violent repression of citizens by the military junta that seized power in Myanmar on February 1, 2021.
Civil Society Letter to Pres. Biden on Civilian Harm
The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns joined a coalition of organizations in sending the following letter to President Biden asking him to lead an overhaul of civilian harm policies and practices in the U.S. government in light of recent reporting highlighting extensive civilian casualties.
Interfaith Letter to Pres. Biden: Reduce U.S. Nuclear Weapons
The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns joined a coalition of faith-based organizations in sending the following letter to President Biden urging him to use the opportunity of the upcoming Nuclear Posture Review to fulfill U.S. commitments on reducing nuclear weapons.
Letter to House Leadership on H.R. 40 on the Commission to Study Reparations for African-Americans
The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns joined over 350 organizations in sending the following letter to the leaders of the House of Representatives urging them to support H.R .40, a bill to create a commission to study the legacy of slavery and the prospect of reparations for African-Americans.
Ukraine: Faith Groups Urge Leaders to Deescalate Tension, Pursue Peace
Rather than relying on militaristic approaches, our leaders must invest in efforts to sustain peace and prevent harm to those who would suffer the most from the devastating and long-term impacts of conflict. Only by vigorously pursuing all avenues for peace can we fulfill our sacred duty to respect the equal dignity and worth of every person.