Statement on the Inflation Reduction Act
Finally! This landmark bill comes none too soon. As wildfires, floods, heat waves and drought surge throughout the planet, the cry of the earth, which Pope Frances calls us to heed in his Laudato Si’ encyclical, finally was heard in the halls of Congress. This legislation is a strong start for the United States to do its fair share to care for our common home.
In gratitude for the life of Gerry Lee
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our friend and former director, Gerry Lee.
Resources from the July-August 2022 NewsNotes
The following resources were published in the July-August 2022 issue of NewsNotes.
Philippine Elections Raise Human Rights Concerns
The May 9 elections in the Philippines brought to power two leaders with family ties to human rights abusers.
Final Communiqué of the Holy Land Coordination 2022
The Bishops of the Holy Land Coordination uphold the rightful place of the Christian community in Jerusalem’s identity in their communique for 2022.
UN: Stockholm+50 Environment Conference
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the groundbreaking UN Conference on the Environment in Stockholm in 1972, national delegations returned to Stockholm on June 2-3, 2022, to take measure of progress.
Brazil: Deaths and Degradation in the Amazon
REPAM-Brazil demands a government response to the deaths of two leading defenders of indigenous peoples and nature in the Amazon territory.
South Sudan and DRC: Letter to Pope Francis
The Africa Faith and Justice Network organized an open sign on letter to the pope about ongoing challenges on the African continent prior to the papal visit to DCR and South Sudan in July.
Tanzania Land Conflict with Maasai
A potentially dangerous stand-off has erupted in north-central Tanzania after the government decided to evict up to 167,000 pastoral Maasai from their land in favor of a wealthy hunting firm owned by the United Arab Republic’s ruling family.
UN Report Says Forests are Fundamental
The State of the World’s Forest Report 2022 offers a three-pronged approach to unlock the economic potential of trees and forests while preserving their status as the greatest carbon capture technology in the world.
Clean Energy's Mining Problem
The growing demand for minerals used in renewable energy raises the urgency to address human rights and environmental abuses common in mining.
Guatemala: Petition for U.S. Sanctions on Corrupt Leaders
An international campaign for alleviating poverty and suffering in Guatemala has launched a petition calling for new targeted sanctions by the United States.