Season of Creation Prayer 2022
From the Season of Creation Celebration Guide 2022
Creator of All,
From your communion of love your Word went forth to create a symphony of life that sings your praise.
By your Holy Wisdom you made the Earth to bring forth a diversity of creatures who praise you in their being. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.
Faith Groups Call for Arms Control Negotiations
It is sobering to recall that in World War I the world’s major powers drifted and blundered into a war which none of them wanted and which was ruinous for all of them. Mr. President, for the sake of the entire human family, we urge you to press for the resumption of arms control negotiations without further delay.
Letter to Congress for Covid and Monkeypox Funding
We urge [Congress] not to leave Americans and people all over the world vulnerable to continued risks of more death, disease and economic disruption from these public health emergencies.
Faith and Advocacy Groups Support Democracy in Haiti
The United States should not support any particular party or sector or demand that Haitians take a particular path towards democracy. A stable and just Haiti - which is in the interest of Haitians and the US government alike - requires that Haitians lead and own their democratic process.
Migrants Need Compassionate Welcome
The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns and missioners working on the southern border call for this shameful practice [of sending migrants to northern cities without a plan] to end and for leaders at all levels of government to work together for an ethical approach to the management of migration that centers the dignity of the person, in this case, the vulnerable migrant.
Open Letter to UN Member States on the Global Food Crisis
If the pandemic taught us anything it is that prevention is more humane and much less expensive than waiting to respond. The lack of political will and institutional failure to act quickly before the worst-case hits means people are being left to lurch from crisis to crisis. People are not starving; they are being starved.
Support for the Afghan Adjustment Act
The faith community has repeatedly urged Congress to provide lasting protection for our new Afghan neighbors. The only viable solution is through the passage of an Afghan Adjustment Act, as the U.S. has done for other vulnerable people such as Cubans following the rise of Fidel Castro, Southeast Asians following the fall of Saigon, and Iraqis following multiple U.S. military engagements.
Petition to Pres. Biden to End Haitian Removals
We call on President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas to halt all removals to Haiti immediately. The humanitarian crisis in Haiti continues to worsen. The United Nations special rapporteur on human rights stated in May that, “Armed violence has reached unimaginable and intolerable levels in Haiti.”
Faith Groups Urge Pres. Biden to Restore U.S. Welcome for Refugees
In light of the extraordinary global need, and the United States’ demonstrated capacity to expand welcome, it is imperative that your administration set a robust refugee admissions goal of 200,000 refugees for FY23.
Resources from the September-October 2022 NewsNotes
Find links to speeches, conferences, webinars, podcasts and more.
Afghan Refugees Need Our Support
More than 75,000 Afghans in the United States risk becoming undocumented if Congress does not take action.
Support the Justice for Shireen Act
Ask Congress to investigate the killing of Shireen Abu-Akleh.