The following resouces were published in the September-October 2016 issue of NewsNotes.
“Nothing Here But Kiad”: Watch this series of ten short (2-3 minute) videos to learn about the residents of Kiad and the homes they are fighting to keep – homes on land “that is not inhabited” and where “no people reside” according to the Environmental and Social Summary Report prepared by GENISA, the hydroelectric power company that built Barro Blanco, a gravity dam on the Tabasara River. The dam has already inundated two homes with more to come in September if the project is not stopped. As a final fighting effort to prove their right to live on their ancestral land, each of the 10 families in Kiad gives a tour of their home, reflecting on a lifetime on the land they are fighting for, and what they have to lose. http://www.soclosetothesky.com/kiad.
Catholic Nonviolence Initiative webinars: Join the first of four webinar starting September 13 to learn about the initiative started at the Nonviolence and Just Peace conference in Rome in April. Speakers are organizers and participants of the conference. http://bit.ly/CNIwebinar1.
International Day of Peace: Celebrate this special day on September 21. Find ideas of things you can do personally or as a small group at http://bit.ly/2cnc25n.
Global Day of Action/Prayer for Syria: Stand in solidarity with people of all faiths and join the call for end to the war in Syria. Join the National Interfaith Prayer Service on September 21 at Community Church of New York in New York City. Download a toolkit for learning more and organizing an interfaith prayer service in your area. http://bit.ly/2c1KfFP.
Campaign Nonviolence Action Week: Take nonviolent action locally at one of the many events happening across the United States, September 18-25. Learn more at http://www.paceebene.org/.
“The Island of All Together”: Watch this 23 minute video of conversations between tourists and Syrian refugees on the island of Lesbos to see how powerful individuals’ stories can be in developing an inclusive global community. http://www.theislandofalltogether.com/.
“A Deadly Shade of Green”: Read the new report by CIEL, Article 19, and Vermont Law School on the pervasive threats facing environmental defenders in Latin America, the role of local governments and private corporations, and how a new regional agreement on access rights could stem the tide of violence and abuses. Read the full report: http://bit.ly/2b0lA2e.
“On Dangerous Ground”: Read this striking report by Global Witness about the unprecedented number of killings of environmentalists in 2015. http://bit.ly/OnDangerousGround.
“Sustainable lifestyles and alternatives, we have the solutions!”: Click through this online map of eight alternative economic, food, and energy systems from around the world to remind us that another world is possible, if we imagine it and work together. http://bit.ly/CIDSEmap.
Season of Creation: Celebrate creation in this special season from September 1 –October 4. Find prayer resources for the month of eptember at https://seasonofcreation.info/.
Towards a Shared Prosperity, Rethinking the Corporate Social Contract for Greater Economic Justice”: Join the Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility on September 29 at Riverside Church in New York City for a conversation to explore these themes with thought leaders from the fields of faith, justice and corporate responsibility. Register at http://www.iccr.org/.
World Food Day and Food Week of Action: Celebrate World Food Day on October 16 and Food Week of Action, October 9-17. The global Food Week of Action is an opportunity to act for food justice and food sovereignty. Download the six-page customizable Food Week Guide and worship materials, and find solidarity events near you. http://pcusa.org/foodweek.
Refugees Welcome Toolkit: Learn how to advocate for welcoming refugees. Find sample action alerts, media resources, tips on how to write Op-Ed, manage social media: http://bit.ly/2cc8XD3
"In Our Son's Name": Watch this poweful documentary about Phyllis and Orlando Rodríguez, whose son, Greg, died with thousands of others in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The bereaved parents choose reconciliation and nonviolence over vengeance and begin a transformative journey that both confirms and challenges their convictions. Go to the website to download the study guide and find a list of broadcast dates in September on various PBS stations across the United States. http://www.inoursonsname.com/