Resources published in the September-October 2015 NewsNotes
Season of Creation: Inspired by the Laudato Si’ encyclical, the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) invites Catholics to celebrate the “Season of Creation” worldwide, from September 1 through October 4, following the example of other Christian denominations and the Catholic bishops of the Philippines. All are invited to pray, reflect, and reduce, both in community and as an individual; and advocate for greater care of creation. Consider signing and promoting the Catholic Climate Petition in preparation of the UN COP21 Climate Summit to be held in Paris starting at the end of November.
Creation Care Kids: This curriculum for teaching Pope Francis’ encyclical “On Care for Our Common Home (Laudato Si’)” has been designed to be flexible – formatted in short segments – so that they can be added to an existing catechetical program or combined into longer sessions. Includes resources to teach the lessons of Laudato Si’ in an engaging and age-appropriate way. Each session comes with a two-page child handout and a leader handout with talking points. Available as eResources, with an option for full-color child handouts in print. Editions for two age groups: ages 5-8 and ages 9-12. Eight 20-45 minute sessions, which can be added to an existing program or combined into longer sessions. Designed for classrooms with one leader or as a whole family process. Uses stories, activities, and scripture to bring these topics alive. $24.
A Challenging Moment for the Protection of Migrant Rights and Human Rights in the Northern Triangle of Central America & Across the Migrant Route (PDF): Published by the Latin America Working Group Education Fund. The guide is a resource for Central American, Mexican, regional and U.S. civil society organizations and interested individuals to understand the rapidly shifting U.S. immigration and foreign policy towards Central America and Mexico. It suggests ways in which we, as civil society advocates, can work together to maximize the opportunities and to minimize the risks in this moment for human rights and migrant rights. 28 pages. Spanish language version here.
Extreme Weather and Resilience of the Global Food System (PDF): This synthesis report by Global Food Security (UK) examines the present state of the global food system and the real risks that extreme weather can create. There is credible evidence that extreme weather events, from intense storms to droughts and heatwaves, are increasing in frequency and severity at a considerable rate. How well prepared is the world for a full-scale food system meltdown? 20 pages.
Annual vigil to close the School of the Americas (WHINSEC): November 20-22 thousands will return to the gates of Ft. Benning, GA to take a stand for justice and accountability at the annual vigil organized by School of the Americas Watch (SOA Watch). Torture survivors, union workers, religious communities, musicians, puppetistas, students, migrants, veterans and others from across the country will speak out against violence and militarization. Those who attend will commemorate the martyrs, march to the Stewart Detention Center, teach and learn from each other in the Columbus Convention Center, and celebrate resistance at the gates of Ft. Benning, home to the notorious School of the Americas (SOA/WHINSEC) and a focal point of the people power resistance to empire and militarization.