The following resources were published in the March-April 2019 issue of NewsNotes.
1) Lent begins March 6. We offer two resources for examining your relationship with creation and your role as a consumer. English: https://justresponse.faith/lent-2019-resource Spanish: https://justresponse.faith/cuaresma-2019
2) Commit to eating simply this Lent with the Global Catholic Climate Movement. Add a day of plant-based meals to your diet this Lent, or strive to eat only plant-based meals throughout the Lenten season. https://catholicclimatemovement.global/lent-2019/
3) 10 Databases You Can Use in Your Solutions Reporting. How to use the “positive deviant” approach to find outliers worth investigating http://bit.ly/WholeStoryDatabase
4) Plan now to attend Ecumenical Advocacy Days (EAD) in Washington, D.C., April 5 – 8. The theme is “Troubling the Waters for the Healing of the World.” More information is available at www.advocacydays.org
5) International Endangered Species Day is May 17. Creation Justice Ministries has developed a bulletin insert and toolkit to help your faith community celebrate. http://bit.ly/CJMinistries Find accompanying faith-based resources at www.creationjustice.org/endangered
6) Take action with the Catholic Climate Covenant. Urge your Members of Congress to support (co-sponsor) energy innovation and carbon dividend. Learn more: http://bit.ly/CCCTakeAction
7) Pax Christi International details 12 policy actions that have proven to be effective in reducing violence and conflict through nonviolence approaches. http://bit.ly/2VB23LZ
8) New Publication: Strengthening FAO’s Commitment to Agroecology http://bit.ly/FAO2Agro The publication by the Agroecology Now! group. provides strategic advice to civil society groups for influencing global policy-making on food to support agroecology while avoiding co-optation.
9) FAO Food Vision: The FAO has announced its plan for addressing food insecurity in 2019. http://bit.ly/FAO2019Plan
10) South Sudan: New backgrounder by CLINIC explaining why TPS must be extended for 18 months AND re-designated for South Sudan. The Secretary’s position is due in March. http://bit.ly/TPSSouthSudan
11) Book recommendation: “A Rope from the Sky: The Making and Unmaking of the World's Newest State” by Zach Vertin, Amberley Publishing, 2018. Recommended by Maryknoll Father David Schwinghamer in Uganda.http://bit.ly/RopeFromtheSky
12) Haiti: Ten Things to Know about the Current Crisis. Since Feb. 7, protests have erupted across Haiti over misappropriated government funds and devaluation of the currency. Renate Schneider, a Maryknoll Affiliate from Chicago, is in Haiti and recommended this summary of the current crisis written by The Haiti Collective on February 15, 2019. http://bit.ly/HaitiFeb2019