Find resources on immigration policy, efforts to combat child labor, the intersections of COVID-19 recovery and climate action, and much more. These resources were published in the July-August 2021 issue of NewsNotes.
1. In honor of the #FastforFreedom national campaign to seek a pathway to citizenship for undocumented essential workers happening this June and early July, take action by contacting your Members of Congress: https://bit.ly/2SRkkJB
2. Take action to help strengthen the refugee resettlement program by contacting your Members of Congress to urge them to robustly support refugee resettlement funding in the federal budget: https://bit.ly/3qmbBeC
3. Watch a webinar recording on child labor and girls’ education in Tanzania, featuring Sr. Mary Vertucci, MM, of the Emusoi Centre in Tanzania. This webinar was a collaborative effort of the Maryknoll Sisters, Fathers and Brothers, Lay Missioners, and MOGC: https://bit.ly/2T3dlwW
4. Leading up to Pride month, the Maryknoll Sisters, Lay Missioners, and Fathers & Brothers endorsed this statement by some Catholic Bishops on protecting LGBT youth.: https://bit.ly/3AwLUg6
5. Read this article from TIME Magazine, “How COVID-19 Vaccination Became a Climate Metaphor,” about the interconnections between our response to COVID-19 and the climate emergency: https://time.com/6073884/covid-19-climate-g7/
6. From Amnesty International, read this report on the Biden administration’s immigration policy: “A Progress Report on the Biden Administration’s Record on Making the United States a Safe Refuge:” https://bit.ly/3gQfMvZ
7. Listen to a six-episode podcast series on the intersections of immigration policy and racism, called “The Other Side of the Water: Immigration and the Promise of Racial Justice:” https://www.jeanvnelson35.org/podcast
8. Read this new study from Catholic Relief Services on factors that motivate people to stay in Guatemala rather than migrate to the United States: https://bit.ly/3gRC3to
9. Watch a new 2-minute video from the Catholic Mobilizing Network on the Catholic faith and the restorative justice movement: https://bit.ly/3hL1Eng
10. Read this new report from the Marshall Project on the increase in migrant deaths at the border in the last year and what we can do about it: https://bit.ly/3xKZydh
11. Read this new report from the International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), “Complicit: 2020 Global Nuclear Weapons Spending:” https://bit.ly/2TXQMdg
12. Read this new report from the Migration Policy Institute, “Strengthening Services for Unaccompanied Children in U.S. Communities:” https://bit.ly/3xE5xR8
13. Learn about the South Sudan Council of Churches Action Plan for Peace Initiative at https://bit.ly/2Ssb5iM and read their latest newsletter at https://bit.ly/2SZxy6X
14. Join the 3-day virtual counter event to the Pre-Summit of the UN Food Systems Summit in Rome to be held July 25-27: https://bit.ly/3qjKLnt. Learn more about CSM’s positions on the UN Food Systems Summit http://www.csm4cfs.org/14024/
15. Sign a petition to Pres. Biden asking him to address root causes for migration from Central America: https://bit.ly/3qsu5Kr.
16. Explore this new report by the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict, “Sudan’s 2019 Revolution: The Power of Civil Resistance:” https://bit.ly/36dUHpe
17. Register for a virtual UN side event on July 8 at 1pm EST, co-sponsored by the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns at the UN, “Addressing the tensions between extreme poverty and environmental conservation: grassroots voices and solutions:”
18. Check out this new book, "Beneath the Cicadas’ Song" a contemporary fiction drama thriller by Lindsey Doyle, a climate policy advocate at InterAction. A compelling story about a fictional community under threat in Central America, as told through eyes of children. A portion of all proceeds of the book sales go to two small nonprofits in the region serving women and girls: https://bit.ly/3h2spD2