All of the resources listed in the July-August 2015 NewsNotes relate to Laudato Si', the new encyclical.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Environment/Environmental Justice Program: In addition to hosting the text of the encyclical, the USCCB’s Environment/Environmental Justice Program webpage offers a number of resources including a discussion guide (also available in Spanish), bulletin inserts, a "Prayer to Care for our Common Home," access to the Capitol Hill briefing on Laudato Si’, relevant quotes from Church teachings on the environment and ecology, liturgical guides, actions guides, and links to other resources that discuss the encyclical.
Catholic Climate Covenant: The Catholic Climate Covenant aims to connect Catholic teaching with advocacy efforts, such as media strategies, climate change-awareness events, congressional advocacy efforts, and participation in conferences, networking and partnerships. The site offers highlights of important quotes from Laudato Si’; some brief analysis; a deeper look into what Catholic teaching has to say about care for the climate and the environment; and the option to sign up to receive more resources related to action and advocacy.
A reader’s guide to Laudato Si’: National Catholic Reporter and Fr. Thomas Reese, SJ provide an eight-page guide which includes a brief reflection on each chapter of the encyclical, plus a few questions for consideration.
Laudato Si’: A Map: America magazine published this six-chapter essay taking a look at the key points of the encyclical. It’s described as a useful guide for initial reading of the encyclical and is meant to help the reader to better understand the basic themes of the pieces and better grasp the overall development on Laudato Si’. After providing the reader with a brief overview of the piece as a whole, the remaining chapters break down the main points into brief summary, arguments, and highlighted passages.
A Student’s Guide to Global Climate Change: For those who might need assistance explaining to children or youth groups about climate change, the Environmental Protection Agency provides a simple break down of what climate change is, what causes it, why it is problematic for the Earth, and what the results will be. The page also provides information about sustainable energy technology and some basic tips for how to live "greener." This site could be a great jumping off point for any beginning discussion of Laudato Si’ or just a good place to go for an environmentally friendly lesson.
Earth Day Network: An organization born out of the earliest days of the environmental movement, the Earth Day Network is a great place to start for anyone looking to become an environmental activist. From their annual Earth Day Campaign, to their frequent calls to actions, to their larger efforts like the "A Billion Acts of Green" campaign, the Earth Day Network is one of the better places to go to for updates on environmental news and ways to get involved with the movement.