Published in the January-February 2015 NewsNotes
1) Still in the Storm: Reflections for engaging spirituality in times like these: This new book, written by Joe Grant and published by JustFaith Ministries is an excellent companion for your Lenten journey and beyond. Available February 2015. Contact JustFaith to order: http://justfaith.org/contact/or call (502) 429-0865.
2) 2015 Cardinal Bernardin award nominations: Do you know a Catholic between the ages 18-40 who is actively engaged in work on the local or national level to break the cycle of poverty in the U.S.? Help the Catholic Campaign for Human Development honor young adults who are addressing problems in their local communities, working with social justice organizations, or leading social concerns efforts on college campuses. The 2015 Cardinal Bernardin award recipient will be given $1,000 at a reception held in conjunction with the June meeting of the U.S. Catholic bishops in St. Louis, MO. Nominations are due by March 15; contact Genevieve Mougey with questions.
3) Friends Across Borders immersion experiences: Consider joining Friends Across Borders, a project of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners, on a trip to either 1) Brazil, June 13-23, 2015 OR 2) Kenya, June 11-23, 2016 (tentative). Both trips will include site visits to Maryknoll ministries, daily reflections on the work of the Maryknoll community and contemporary issues, and opportunities to visit cultural and historic sites. For information, visit www.friendsacrossborders.org or call 914-762-6364, ext. 207.
4) A Maryknoll Liturgical Year: Reflections on the Readings for Year B: Maryknoll missioners’ experiences of crossing into new cultures and sharing life with new communities bring fresh meanings of the sacred scripture to light. In this third volume of reflections that explore the readings of the liturgical calendar, readers find life described in its fullest – the deep pain and struggle that people endure, as well as the hope for a new heaven and a new earth. This collection elevates stories of reconciliation, of inter-religious collaboration; stories of ways in which groups have overcome their differences to take on projects that serve the common good. Paperback, 224 pages, $20. Find it at Orbis Books, www.orbisbooks.com or call 800-258-5838.