In the book of Genesis, God creates our beautiful world and is happy with it. God then creates humans to serve as caretakers for this wonderful creation. Today we witness the loss of ecosystems and the extinction of growing numbers of species at the expense of human “progress” that has not only excluded huge portions of humanity from its benefits, but has worsened their conditions by destroying the environments in which those excluded communities live.
But there are also signs of hope through collective action on a local and global scale to shift from a paradigm of human progress based on growth and greed to a paradigm of justice that puts creation and marginalized communities at the center.
We hope you enjoy the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns' inaugural issue of Encounters: where faith, economy and ecology meet. Each issue Encounters will feature the challenges posed by the current economic growth paradigm and shine light on the hopeful ways communities are responding to protect human dignity and God’s beautiful Creation.
In this issue we highlight how networks, communities, and nations are creating more equitable economies and food distribution, rebuilding relationships between humans and the rest of nature, and we share ideas on how each of us can live simpler to reduce our impact on God’s creation.
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Read the first issue of Encounters here.