All are invited to sign on to a newspaper ad with a message for nuclear disarmament addressed to our Catholic President and Members of Congress. This article was published in the May-June 2021 issue of NewsNotes.
Pax Christi Metro DC-Baltimore invites individuals and organizations to sign on to their ad to be published in the June 11, 2021 edition of the National Catholic Reporter. Deadline to sign on is May 15.
To sign, go to http://bit.ly/PXChristiAD
The text of the ad is as follows:
Tell Our Catholic President and Members of Congress: Start Now to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons!
In Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis reiterated the Church’s complete opposition to nuclear weapons, describing the total elimination of nuclear weapons as “both a challenge and a moral and humanitarian imperative.” The Holy See was one of the first countries to ratify the U.N. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which went into effect on January 22, 2021.
Join us in urging President Biden and Catholics in Congress to take prompt action to:
• Take all nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert and adopt a no-first-use policy
• Rejoin the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran without preconditions.
• End wasteful spending on the modernization of our nuclear arsenal and delivery systems and redirect the funding to human security needs.
• Reduce the number of deployed nuclear warheads by at least ten percent per year, challenging the other nuclear-armed nations to do the same.
• Use the extension of the New START treaty to negotiate further deep cuts in the nuclear arsenals of the U.S. and Russia, as required by the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
• Ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.
For a background paper and information on contacting your elected officials, go to: https://www.paxchristimdcb.org/ncrad