The following is a compilation of resources to help voters prepare for the 2020 U.S. elections.
Faithful Voting and Global Concerns
The Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns offers a series of two-page briefs, Faithful Voting and Global Concerns, on global issues to help voters prepare for the 2020 U.S. elections. Find the entire series here.
Conscience and Voting:
- Read Bishop McElroy of San Diego's speech on conscience, prudential judgement, and voting in light of moral theology and Catholic Social Teaching.
- Read Cardinal Blaise Cupich's letter, "The Call to Holiness in an Election Year."
- Read this article in Our Sunday Visitor by Sr. Theresa Alethia Noble, "How Partisanship is Weakening the Gospel Witness in America"
- Explore this voter reflection guide entitled “Democracy, Values & the 2020 Election,” produced by Faith in Public Life and Interfaith Power & Light. The guide addresses urgent issues in the election, including voting rights, climate change, systemic racism in the criminal justice system, healthcare and immigration. The guide, which will be distributed across the country for discussion in diverse faith communities, includes topics for reflection and sample questions to ask candidates. Download a copy of the guide.
- Explore this 8-week-long voter prayer and reflection guide from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), "Toward a More Perfect Union: 2020 Election Reflections."
- Read this article by Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso, "Single Issue Voting Has Corrupted Christian Political Witness."
Civic Participation and Catholic Social Teaching:
- An Examination of Conscience in light of Catholic Social Teaching.
- Watch and share these videos by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on "Faithful Citizenship," a guide to understanding civic participation in light of Catholic values. Videos are available in English, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
- Explore Civilize It, a USCCB campaign to promote civility and dialogue in advance of the 2020 election. You can take a "Civilize It" pledge, explore reflection resources, and more.