On January 10, 2014, legislation for Trade Promotion Authority, known as Fast Track, for the "NAFTA on steroids" Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was introduced in the House and Senate.
Use this link to send a message to your members of Congress to urge them to reject Fast Track for the TPP.
Since this could be the last in a series of destructive free trade agreements (FTAs), it is critically important that we act NOW to stop it. Please take a few moments to call your representative and senators, using this directory from the Friends Committee on National Legislation (or you can call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121), and ask for the aide who works on trade. Below is a sample script, which you can edit to your liking.
"My name is ____, and I'm a constituent from ____. I'm calling to urge Representative/Senator ____ to oppose Fast Track authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership. This agreement will force more people to migrate, and will have massively negative effects on labor rights, small-scale farmers' ability to survive, and many other important issues. The NAFTA model has been harmful at home and abroad, and should be changed to a fair trade model that respects rights, not expanded through the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Please keep me informed of how Representative/Senator ____ acts on this matter, and thank you for your attention to it."
Here is another sample script (from Public Citizen) from which you can draw; tips and other resources to arrange visits to your representative's and/or senators' district offices during the Congressional recess, January 21-24; resources to organize rallies in the district offices; and resources for writing letters to the editor (which you can use with the above talking points).
If you haven't already sent a message to your legislators, please do here, and if you have, we thank you for your advocacy, but we still need you to make calls. Let's stand with our sisters and brothers in Mexico and 11 other countries (including the U.S.) to halt this dangerous agreement in its tracks.
See this article on the TPP from the November-December 2012 NewsNotes.