On February 17, Pope Francis will celebrate Mass along the U.S.-Mexico border, in Juarez, Mexico. At least 450,000 people are expected to attend on both sides of the border fence. Before the Mass, the pope is expected to greet about 500 refugees assembled on the Texas-side of the fence.
Pope Francis' visit is an opportunity to reshape the global conversation on migration and borders.
No doubt Pope Francis will acknowledge the realities of migration – abuse and death on the journey, incarceration of asylum –seekers, divided families, social isolation and exploitation. These realities are often omitted from politicized “immigration” debates.
Click here to ask President Obama and Congress to commit to humane policies that respond to the realities of migration.
“Whether migrants are fleeing war, repression or violent conflict, or are on the move away from poverty, looking for work, Maryknollers have seen that the consequences for them and for their families, as well as for sending and receiving communities, are huge.”
– “Toward Global Solidarity,” Maryknoll leadership statement on migration
Join Pope Francis, and Maryknoll missioners around the world, in keeping our leaders focused on migrants and refugees as human beings and children of God, deserving of respect and dignity.
Photo: Pope Francis joined Mexico's Indians in celebrating Mass in three languages native to them: Chol, Tzotzil, and Tzeltal, on February 15. Photo by Marko Vombergar/ALETEIA and licensed in the creative commons 2.0.