Organizations in the Faith Forum on Middle East Policy send out action alerts monthly, focusing on different issues so that members of Congress hear consistently that their constituents support a just and lasting resolution to the Palestinian and Israeli conflict.
February 2016
While the Israeli/Palestinian situation is often deemed intractable, concern for neighbor compels people of faith to act in hope. Take action today to raise awareness about the suffering in the region and what the US can do about it.
Urge your members of Congress to attend an important briefing:
Click here to contact your senators and representative today and ask them to:
- Attend this important briefing to learn about the consequences of Israeli settlement expansion and how US policy can play a constructive role in promoting a just peace for Israelis and Palestinians
- Speak and act for an end to the Israeli occupation of all Palestinian land
Learn more about the village of Wadi Foquin at www.friendsofwadifoquin.com
Learn more about this briefing here.