Immigrant rights groups and faith communities across the country have been urging the administration to take bold, concrete actions to stop the pain that families and communities face due to deportations.
Such action has been promised and delayed, but it seems likely that President Obama will act soon. Every day the administration delays its executive order, more than 1,000 individuals are deported from their families and communities.
Please contact the White House and say that you don't want to see your community members left out of administrative action.
Use the White House Comment Line at 1-888-907-2053 and leave this message:
"I'm from (city, state, congregation/community) and as a person of faith, I urge President Obama to inclusively expand deferred action.The president must act boldly and act now. Administrative action should not be limited to individuals who have been in the United States for a long time, or those who have family members here. We seek broad, accessible relief for all of our community members."
Then call 1-866-940-2439 to be connected with your Congressional representative's office or find your representative's direct line at www.house.gov -- leave this message when you call:
"I'm from (city, state, congregation/community) and as a person of faith, I support President Obama expanding deferred action.The president has the authority to act boldly and act now. I ask Congress to support the president's decision to expand deferred action and to promote its implementation."
Keep up the pressure on social media!
Ex: @WhiteHouse As a person of faith I want you to use your authority to grant inclusive relief to our undocumented community members. #Not1More family separated
After you make your call, plan to watch President Obama as he addresses the nation to lay out the executive actions he's taking to fix our broken immigration system. You can watch the president live tonight at 8 p.m. ET at WhiteHouse.gov/Live.